sarva vidya welcomes you
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Make a Difference Today
sarva vidya welcomes you
sarva vidya welcomes you
Make a Difference Today
Make a Difference Today
sarva vidya welcomes you


Health Management Camp- Chittoor Village
13 Feb 2019
This month the Health Management Camp was held in the Pampakkam Panchayat union of village Chittoor. In villages, the communication about the health management camps to the people is naturally important to create awareness about the camp so that maximum people can benefit.Hence simple and direct methods are adopted. Here in the one minute video you can see public announcement is made through the loud speaker mounted on an Auto and thevehicle slowly travels the streets, while a person distributes printed notices to every house in thevillage.
Born to Win
12 feb 2019
Sarva Vidya offers to the students the programs of M/S ‘Born to Win’, pioneers in the Learning and Development space, to create attitudinal transformation in their lives and through their ‘Active Experiential learning’ process help the students mould themselves as architects of their own future, by changing their mindsets towards the
‘I can’ belief system. In the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world, ‘Born to Win’ processes help bring 'Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility to help them navigate towards being Future Ready.'
After all this completes the important objective of Sarva Vidya to develop the village girls to go out there in the world totally empowered.

Sight Savers in Truckers
07 Feb 2019
Specially arranged for the drivers of Light and Heavy Motor Vehicles, on their specific request, this eye camp is significant in the sense that the beneficiaries asked for what they thought was most useful and important for them, not only for their own welfare, but for the benefit of all the users of the roads. It was really gratifying to organisers like us, to know that we are doing something that the people need and want. More so that this camp was organised during the 'Road Safety Week'. Free spectacles were distributed in the camp.
The thirtieth 'Road Safety Week' saw officers from the Police in the inauguration of the eye camp, which was a part of the 'Village Health Management Program' of Sarva Vidya. Makkal Sakthi Iyakkam, the local coordinating NGO was instrumental in organising the camp and taking the needed help to the truckers.95 drivers had their vision checked in the camp. 40 drivers needed to wear spectacles which were distributed in the camp.
Donor's Day
07 Feb 2019
Donors are our life and blood. They are the reason why we are active.
At the end of this news letter in the 'A decade ago... this month' section,
you will see an entry on this day, of inauguration of a 'Learning Center' in
the name of KR Radha. In a way this has been the forerunner of our
Wellness Centres in villages.
We remember KR Radha on this day every year, for having seeded this
effort through her contributions and remembrance. It may be an interesting piece of information that she was a student of
Sarada Vidyalaya in the early days and a scholarship was instituted
for a few years in her name for the girl children of her School.
This year, the Remembrance Day was observed in all wellness centres
in the villages (Vilvanathapuram in the left) as well as in the NCLB
classes in the School in T Nagar.
More Reading please
05 Feb 2019
Second year Patient Care Diploma students had a very joyous time after all, in the reading session today. Formed in four groups, each student was given a book to read and given fifteen minutes to go through the book. What they read, they had to share their understanding with others.
And you know what!, they not only did assimilate what they read but also were able to share their newly acquire knowledge!. They did pretty well we must say.
More than that the good outcome is that they just couldn't have enough of this experience, since there was a clamour for more. They want more of these sessions! Yes we are quite enthusiastic and intent to spread the Joy of Reading.